Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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365 lines
(* The REAL & LONGREAL functions (WriteReal etc) requice 'C' floating point *)
(* so will not work with the unregisterd version of DICE *)
(* If you have the registered version of DICE then you must *)
(* link with the math library, either: *)
(* m2l x -lm or m2b x -lm , alternatively set -lm in the DCCOPTS env var *)
(* This is only required if you use the floating point functions: *)
(* If you only use WriteChar etc, you dont need to link the math library *)
* Simple but flexible File based I/O system
* This module provides a collection of procedures to perform
* I/O operations on text files. File access can be sequential
* or random.
* The following table states the operations that may be applied
* according to the file's access mode.
* Rewind Set & EOF & Reads Writes
* ------ FindPos EOLN ----- ------
* ------- ----
* Read y y y
* Write y
* Random y y y y y
TabCh = "\t" ; (* some useful character constants *)
NewLineCh = "\n" ; (* shouldn't really be here at all! *)
SpaceCh = " " ;
MaxFiles = 20 ; (* open simulataneously *)
MaxFileName = 500 ; (* length of filename *)
File = LONGINT ; (* a file descriptor: treat this as OPAQUE *)
FileName = ARRAY [0..MaxFileName] OF CHAR ;
Status = ( UnInitialized, NoError, CantOpenFile, CantCreateFile,
TooManyOpen, OpFailed, Overflow ) ;
EndType = ( FromStart, FromCurrent, AddToEnd ) ;
BufferingMode = ( NoBuffer, LineBuffer, FullBuffer ) ;
StdIn, StdOut, StdErr : File ;
(* ------------------------- Error Procedures ------------------------- *)
PROCEDURE IOStatus( id : File ) : Status ;
* Task: find out the status of the last IO operation
* on the given file..
* Returns: the status
PROCEDURE ReportError( id : File ) ;
* Task: If the last IO operation on the given file failed,
* generate a suitable error message and HALT
* Returns: Only if the last IO operation was a success.
(* -------------------------- Open Procedures ------------------------- *)
PROCEDURE OpenToRead( extName : ARRAY OF CHAR ) : File ;
* Task: open a file for reading
* Returns: the file descriptor for further use.
* Status: NoError if success.
* CantOpenFile if failure.
PROCEDURE OpenToWrite( extName : ARRAY OF CHAR ) : File ;
* Task: open a file for writing
* Returns: the file descriptor for further use.
* Status: NoError if success.
* CantCreateFile if failure.
PROCEDURE OpenForRandom( extName : ARRAY OF CHAR ; Create : BOOLEAN ) : File ;
* Task: open a file for random access, creating it [erasing any
* previous contents] if Create is set, otherwise leaving
* the previous data available for reading.
* Returns: the file descriptor for further use.
* Status: NoError if success
* else: CantCreateFile if Create
* CantOpenFile otherwise
PROCEDURE SetBuffer( file : File ;
mode : BufferingMode ;
size : LONGINT ;
buff : ADDRESS ) ;
* Task: Controls file buffering.
* mode:
* FullBuffer: output flushed only if buffer full
* LineBuffer: output flushed every newline
* NoBuffer : no buffering at all
* Default mode is line buffering.
* For mode = NoBuffer the buf and size arguments should be passed
* as NIL & 0.
* For other modes, if buff is not NIL then the first size bytes
* of buff are used as the file buffer otherwise the buffer will be
* allocated for you.
* If buffering is turned on/off for a file representing a
* console device, the console device is set to buffered/unbuffered
* as well. ie raw/cooked.
* Access-Mode: Read,Write or Random
* Status: NoError if success
* OpFailed otherwise.
(* ------------------------- Other Procedures ------------------------- *)
* Notes about the remaining functions:
* 1). They will call ReportError [and thus HALT] when given a file
* that has not been sussessfully opened in the correct mode.
* 2). However, if they themselves fail, they will set
* the error status and return painlessly..
PROCEDURE Close( id : File ) ;
(* Task: to close the given file (if the file has been opened
* successfully, this cannot fail).
* Access-Mode: Read, Write or Random
* Status: Unitialized
PROCEDURE FlushFile( f : File ) ;
(* Task: to flush the given file - force any pending output
* to leave the buffer and appear on the screen/physical
* file (if the file has been opened successfully, this
* cannot fail).
* Access-Mode: Read, Write or Random
* Status: unchanged
* Task: Finds out whether the end-of-file has been reached
* on the given file
* Returns: TRUE if so.
* Access-Mode: Read or Random
* Status: NoError
* Task: Finds out whether an end-of-line has been reached on the
* current file
* Returns: True if so.
* Access-Mode: Read or Random
* Status: NoError
(* --------------------- Read <object> Procedures --------------------- *)
* Task: read an object [of some type]
* Returns: the next object of the appropriate type.
* Access-Mode: Read or Random
* NOTE: ReadString discards leading whitespace,
* then reads characters up to the next whitespace
* (which is pushed back and left).
* ReadLn discards NOTHING: reads the whole rest of line,
* discarding the newline itself.
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
* NOTE: Any of these will abort if they encounter premature
* EOF.
PROCEDURE ReadInteger( id : File ) : LONGINT ;
PROCEDURE ReadReal( id : File ) : REAL ;
PROCEDURE ReadLongReal( id : File ) : LONGREAL ;
PROCEDURE ReadChar( id : File ) : CHAR ;
PROCEDURE ReadString( id : File ; VAR object : ARRAY OF CHAR ) ;
PROCEDURE ReadLn( f : File ; VAR s : ARRAY OF CHAR ) ;
PROCEDURE ReadLine( id : File ) ;
(* -------------------- Write <object> Procedures --------------------- *)
* Task: Write an object [of some type] to the given file
* NOTE: WriteLn simply writes the given message and then
* a newline
* Access-Mode: Write or Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
PROCEDURE WriteInteger( id : File ; object : LONGINT ) ;
PROCEDURE WriteReal( id : File ; object : REAL ) ;
PROCEDURE WriteLongReal( id : File ; object : LONGREAL ) ;
PROCEDURE WriteChar( id : File ; object : CHAR ) ;
PROCEDURE WriteString( id : File ; object : ARRAY OF CHAR ) ;
PROCEDURE WriteLn( f : File ; s : ARRAY OF CHAR ) ;
PROCEDURE WriteLine( id : File ) ;
(* -------------------- Random Access Procedures ---------------------- *)
PROCEDURE SetPosition( id : File ; pos : LONGINT ; end : EndType ) ;
* Task: position the file pointer on a random access file.
* Receives: the file, id, the position, Pos [measured in bytes],
* and an indicator of from which end the position is
* measured.
* Access-Mode: Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
PROCEDURE FindPosition( id : File ) : LONGINT ;
* Task: shows the user the current position in a random access file.
* Receives: the file, id.
* Returns: the current position
* Access-Mode: Random
* Status: NoError.
PROCEDURE Rewind( id : File ) ;
* Task: rewind the given file.
* Access-Mode: Read or Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
(* ---------------------- Miscellaneous procedures -------------------- *)
PROCEDURE SkipBlanks( f : File ) ;
* Task: skip all leading blanks (spaces or tabs - not newlines)
* from the given file.
PROCEDURE SkipWS( f : File ) ;
* Task: Skip all whitespace (spaces, tabs and newlines)..
* Task: Skip whitespace and then; is the file at EOF?
PROCEDURE UnReadChar( id : File ; c : CHAR ) ;
* Task: push the given character back onto the given input file
* Receives: the file id and the character to push back..
* Access-Mode: Read or Random
* Status: NoError.
PROCEDURE ReadNBytes( file : File ; n : LONGINT ; buffer : ADDRESS ) ;
* Task: read N bytes from the given file, into the area of memory
* starting at Buffer.
* Suggestion: use SIZE(var) and ADR(var) when calling
* Access-Mode: Read or Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
* NOTE: This will abort if it encounters a premature EOF.
PROCEDURE WriteNBytes( file : File ; n : LONGINT ; buffer : ADDRESS ) ;
* Task: Write N bytes to the given file, into the area of memory
* starting at Buffer.
* Suggestion: use SIZE(var) and ADR(var) when calling
* Access-Mode: Write or Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
PROCEDURE WriteRealFmt( file : File ; r : REAL ; width, decplaces : LONGINT ) ;
(* Task: writes the given real to the given file, formatting the value
* so that it is right justified in a field of the given width,
* and contains the given number of decimal places.
* Access-Mode: Write or Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
PROCEDURE WriteLongRealFmt( file : File ; r : LONGREAL ;
width, decplaces : LONGINT ) ;
(* Task: writes the given longreal to the given file, formatting the
* value so that it is right justified in a field of the given
* width, and contains the given number of decimal places.
* Access-Mode: Write or Random
* Status: NoError if success,
* OpFailed otherwise.
(*------- Some useful functions that shouldn't really be here either ---------*)
(* Status: Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise *)
PROCEDURE Rename( from, to : ARRAY OF CHAR ) : BOOLEAN ;
(* Status: Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise *)